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Chinese translation for "[惨地"


Related Translations:
惨惨:  dull; melancholy; somber
:  形容词1.(悲惨; 凄惨) miserable; pitiful; wretched; tragic 短语和例子惨遭不幸 die a tragic death; 她在车祸中死得很惨, 年仅十八。 her death in the car accident was tragic; she was only 18.2.(程度严重; 利害) to a serious degree
凄凄惨惨:  heartbreaking; distressing; desolating
真惨:  a bad scene
惨杀:  kill by cruel or violent means; slaughter; massacre; murder 短语和例子这个少年被敌人惨杀了。 the boy was barbarously murdered by the enemy
惨了:  so awful
惨害:  ravage
惨事:  disastertragedy n
惨苦:  miserable
惨的:  abdvekt abdvzkt
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